All those flowers are the size between the fingernails of my thumb and my little finger and even smaller - to some of them I would never have paid attention with the naked eye. My husband discovers their stunning beauty with the lens of his camera - with macro photography.
Maybe next time you see a tiny itsybitsy flower you will bend down and examine further - a magnifying glass could help to see the wonderful details.
Guten Morgen Yael,
die Fotos sind herrlich. Gerade die kleinen unscheinbaren Pflanzen mit ihren Blüten mag ich besonders gerne. Ihre Schönheit zeigt sich meist erst beim genauen Betrachten und ich finde es einfach rührend, wie sehr sie sich mühen, um an meist unwirtlichen Plätzchen zu blühen. Uri ist es gelungen, das auf seinen Bildern miteinzufangen.
Herzliche Grüße
Liebe Yael,
da ist doch jede Blüte für sich ein kleines Kunstwerk. Ebenso wie die wunderschönen Bilder, die dein Mann gemacht hat. Er hat ein sehr gutes Auge für die Schönheiten, die die Natur uns bietet...und seien sie noch so klein.
Eine tolle Farbenvielfalt hat er eingefangen. Und diese vielen unterschiedlichen Blütenformen sind einfach faszinierend.
Liebe Grüße von Birgit
Weeds--never a sweeter name! You can get honey from a weed. Beautiful photos, once again!
oh yael, you have eyes to see!
i love the garden of your lense & heart.
Dear Yael, your husband is very talented - these flowers are beautiful - i guess it is another reminder that we have to examine life more closely, take time to look at the details of life and not just pass things by - what a lovely way to be reminded - by these lovely little 'weeds'
Yes... we just said that Beauty and Wonder are to be found in "small" things! And these wonderful flowers are a reminder!
I love small flowers and I love bending down and looking at their amazing details!
As Inbar sais so well, what is so touching about little flowers is that you have to look at them closely to discover their amazing beauty... This is something I love about life in general: I love things that require a closer look to disclose their real beauty... little things that only a keen eye can see.
Uri is so talented at discovering little wonders!
Ein Meisterfotograf mit dem Blick für das ganz Kleine! Wundervoll.
WOW, those pics are amazing, really!!
How beautiful is nature,
each Spring I enjoy so much when my Flowers come,
maybe I should really have a closer look to the tinny ones :)
Hey I know this dos not belong to here,
but I just have to thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog for the Kittens!!!
A whole microcosom of beauty in the world. Weed should be a compliment. Weeds make beautiful flowers, and they are hearty growers. I like the term "wild flower" better.
When taking a real close look at nature, there is much beauty to find :) These flowers are all small beautiful wonders. I love the details of each flower, very pretty.
Great photos :)
This make ME Happy:)
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