Monday, September 24, 2012


The day of Atonement has arrived and the Jewish people are starting their 25 hour long absolute fast this afternoon. Yom Kippur is a day of reconciliation, when Jews strive to make amends with people and to draw closer to God through prayer and fasting.

Forgiveness is being asked:

For the sin that we have committed under stress or through choice.
For the sin that we have committed in stubbornness or in error.
For the sin that we have committed in the evil meditations of the heart.
For the sin that we have committed by word of mouth.
For the sin that we have committed through abuse of power.
For the sin that we have committed by exploitation of neighbors.
For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, bear with us, pardon us, forgive us!

The traditional Yom Kippur wishes are "Tzom Kal" (Have an Easy Fast) and "Gmar Chatimah Tovah" (May you be sealed for a good year in the book of life) 

גמר חתימה טובה


Eva said...

Best wishes for your celebration! said...

so HEARTFELT and makes me think more deeply and honestly, yael...

Hilde said...

Best wishes for your celebration :)

Introverted Art said...

this year was the hardest for me... for some reason I felt real sick, even though I've been fasting for years... Best wishes.