Thursday, October 31, 2013


Shabat Shalom - happy weekend! :-)

Friday, October 11, 2013


My father-in-law, Abram, passed away last month after 92 years of life.

Two weeks later my family took Mila his caretaker from Nepal for a day trip to Jerusalem (without me, I still cannot walk a whole day).

With my daughter and granddaughter.

His granddaughter on the right.

Mila was with us for three years. She did her job splendidly, carefully, and with a warm heart. We are very thankful to her and wish her all the best. She will stay in Israel for another period of time and found work again with an elderly patient in the same neighborhood where she lived with my father-in-law.
Kol tuv Mila! 

Photographed by Uri Eshkar and Marc Denner.