Thursday, June 17, 2010



Dawn of LaTouchables said...

You are a natural outdoorswoman, Yael--and I can't stop staring at your beautiful fish tale! Wow!!!

Jill said...

Funny, neither can I! Stop fishing AND stop staring, that is. Amazing detail here, Yael. I clicked and then clicked again to zoom in and I got to see all of the small nuances. Very, very beautiful.

veroque said...

פעם ראשונה שאני רואה את התיק המהמם הזה. אני רואה את הבדים שאת הכנת משולבים שם , עבודה נהדרת יעל, כמו תמיד, צבעוני, מדוייק ומהמם.

steufel said...

I love this bag. The colors are amazing. Cool! regards Stefanie

Pesky Cat Designs said...

This bag is absolutely amazing! The colors and details are gorgeous. You definitely caught some winners on your fishing trip. :)