Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I still did not get around to make use of the beautiful fabric pieces from those sample books. The heat of summer is slowing me down like everyone else, I still struggle with my foot (the one that had its ankle replaced in January) and my back is "killing me". I had a disc nucleoplasty some days ago - you can check this out here - and I hope my constant pain at my lower rear will recede. The healing should take place over a two week span, then I will know if this treatment worked.

So there is a lot of resting with legs up, reading or listening to music. But there is some painting too, which I do love now so much, even so I have no talent for it - I still am sure I do not really know how to paint. :-) There is time with the grandchildren, which I do love even more, and I managed to sew two big totes from sturdy decorator fabric, using leather scraps as embellishments and pockets. They both have beautiful cotton linings with one zippered and one velcro closed pocket and key swivels inside. One photographed well, the other one was not so photogenic.

I gave all my fabric painting and dyeing supplies and books away and made someone very happy. I will not return to this task anymore, it is too laborious for me now, but I have no regrets, only happy memories of it.

I hope you are all fine, and if you are not so good, I wish you will be better soon! We can see small tiny signs of autumn here - how is it at your place?


Eva said...

Oh je, was hast Du auszustehen! Ich wünsche Dir sehr herzlich, dass Deine Schmerzen bald vergehen und dass die Behandlung allerbestens anschlägt. Ich bewundere auch, wie Du bei solchen Handicaps noch kreativ sein kannst, und wieder hast Du Sachen geschaffen, die man so noch nicht bei Dir gesehen hat, immer innovativ! Das ist übrigens für mich ein Geheimnis der Kreativität, dass man irgend einen Widerstand darin findet, zum Beispiel, wenn man glaubt, man könne es nicht richtig. Das ist ja gar nicht so, aber wenn Du das Gefühl hast, es Dir erst erkämpfen zu müssen, dann ist das Ergebnis vielleicht deshalb besonders gut und originell. -- Alles Liebe!

Friko said...

Das sind ja Klasse Taschen! You are a whizz at crafting.

The weather has gone cooler, as have the nights, and I can sleep better again. In a way I am sad that summer is nearly over again, we have so little of it in England.

I’m sorry about your many aches and pains, here’s hoping that the back will heal soon and that the ankle does the same. It’s early days, I suppose.

As you are so gainfully employed it almost doesn’t matter that you can’t move so easily, painting and crafting and entertaining grandchildren should keep you quite busy.

Anonymous said...

Hej Yael,

je weiter nördlich, desto augenscheinlicher ist der Herbst im Anmarsch. Die lauen Sommernächte sind höchstwahrscheinlich für dieses Jahr vorüber. Der Sonnenuntergang hat sich merklich in den Tag hinein geschoben, Feuchtigkeit macht sich breit. Aber was soll's schöne Dinge drinnen zu tun, wie hübsche Taschen nähen verbreitet doch ebenso gute Laune. Ich mag es sehr, wenn Du uns an Deinen Freizeitbeschäftigungen teilhaben lässt, es gibt einem selbst Anregungen. Und jetzt wünsche ich Dir: GUTE BESSERUNG für viele noch sonnige Spätsommertage.


Bob Bushell said...

You are so much in the pain, everywhere. There was your ankle and now there is a disc in your back, I am terribly sorry for you.

Dies und Das vom Neckarstrand said...

Liebe Yael,
ich wünsche dir schnelle, gute Besserug. Ich kann mir vorstellen,
wasa du durchmachst.
Die Taschen sind wunderbar. Alle Unikate.
Einen schönen Resttag wünscht dir

Hilde said...

Sorry about your back, Yael!! It is not an easy situation, so take good care of your body and get lots of rest. Wishing you speedy recovery!

The bags are gorgeous, I love the cats :)
Many hugs!

Jutta said...

Liebe Yael,

ich wünsche Dir, dass Du ganz schnell wieder gesund wirst.
Trotzdem warst Du noch so fleißig. Deine Taschen sind wieder absolute Hingucker - wunderschön gearbeitet.

Liebe Grüße

Annuk said...

Dear Yael, I am sending you my warmest, heartfelt hugs and wishes for your health! I hope you feel much better very soon!!! Gute Besserung, liebe Yael!!!! :)
The totes you made are adorable! Keep enjoying your art, music, books and your beautiful family, they are an amazing therapy!
The first hints of autumn should be here soon... usually they get more evident after mid-August.

Dawn of LaTouchables said...

First, Yael, I wish you a steady recovery, and that you are quickly back to your regular routine.

Secondly, I think you are a natural talent with color.

And those bags are sooooo elegant!

TarracoStyle said...

te felicito, eres una artista!!!
me encantan las bolsas, son fabulosas.
mil besos

Zorana said...

I was saddened to hear that your ankle is not fully recovered... to have back pain with it doesn't help for sure. I watched the video on Disc Nucleoplasty. I wonder how unpleasant the treat,ent was, and hope very much that it helped. You are not only talented for painting, younare freakishly talented (in the best way). xoxoxo

Pesky Cat Designs said...

So sorry to hear about your back. Even without your fabric paints and dyeing supplies I am sure you will find many new ways to be creative. Your new tote bags are wonderful!