There was a little talk in blogger land about playing. We should never forget and neglect to play - just play without any further purpose and at any age. So Clare's favorite plaything is to draw and she talked about practicing. Talk about drawing always gives me a pinch in my heart. You see, because I cannot draw. I never could. I never did. I don't remember me drawing as a child. It was never encouraged.
But I always so much wanted to know how to draw. So many (many many) years ago I took a drawing class. It was a disaster for me. They started with shading, still lifes of fruit and stuff like that, while I scarcely could draw a straight line. That instructor did not much care about me. She could see that I am not talented. A year ago I got a spark of braveness, and payed for an online class in drawing - but then I was so scared, I never entered the class. And the teacher never asked and never contacted me. No encouragement here either. So when I wrote a comment in Clare's post about practicing drawing, saying that I couldn't, she laughed at me and said: "Nonsense, everyone can draw!" This I still do not believe, but I started to think maybe, maybe...
I still think I cannot draw - I will never know how to draw a cat, or a horse, or a building in the right perspective. But the fear is gone and I draw what I can do and I fill my drawings with colors. Yes, that I will do! :-)
You want to know what is in my tea glass? Sage, verbena, lemon grass, pelargonium - so tasty!
Ahhhh, and thank you Clare! :-)
You can click on the photos to enlarge them.
Oh, Yael, this moves me. The bird is awesome!! And I love the other drawings, too. Who ever said that drawing from nature is the right approach? I rather believe that art starts when you do something that you used to think was something you cannot do. Or at least start from a point that no-one expects. Please keep painting if you feel like it! I so love your style.
Yaeli, What a wonderful new beginning!
It's all in your choice of medium, Yael. You've been drawing with a sewing machine for a long time now, no? These drawings here are decidedly you...well executed, rich in detail, colorful, multi-faceted, and endlessly cheery. Well done!
Hej Yael,
möchtest Du es nicht mal mit Stoffmalerei versuchen. Naive Malerei für (vielleicht) Badetaschen stell ich mir als einen außergewöhnlichen Hingucker vor. Die Farbkombinationen sind wunderschön und die Zusammensetzung der Motive ebenso. Synergieeffekte nutzen, ja das könnte man so sagen.
Einfach toll!!!!!!!!
Lieben Gruß
Yael, ich beneide dich um dese Begabung.
Ich bin in dieser Hinsicht völlig untalentiert. Aber es ist schon so - man soll nie vergessen "Kind" zu sein. Ich lese wieder viel in meinen alten Märchenbüchern. Lese wieder die alten Balladen, die mehr und mehr in Vergessenheit geraten.
Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir
PS: Am Donnerstag komm bitte mal auf mein Blog.
Oh dear Yael - I want to give you the biggest hug. When I started to read this post I had to stop half way through and scroll down to see your drawings. And you can draw!- These drawings are wonderful, just look at them - the colours and the patterns - they are amazing. I can see that you had such fun with them, which is exactly what art should be. I think everyone should give themselves persmission to play like this - I can feel the playfulness and excitement in these drawings - how wonderful. I hope you fill many books with your drawings and playfulness!!!!! xox
Your drawing is bleeding good, why o why did you ever thought you can't do it, you CAN do it.
i looooooove your drawings, yael!!!!
+ all the better that they are all yours! i adore their simplicity, color, and joy! isn't it so interesting, all that we tell ourselves that we can't do?!
well dear heart, you CAN.
I was actually wondering what kind of tea you were drinking, Yael :) It lookes yummy, I'm sure it was good, and healthy too :)
I loved reading your post and seing the photos, I LOVE love love your drawings!! You are very talented, Yael, I love your style and the colours. Your drawings have a energy of happiness and goodness that goes straight to the heart, and the details catch the eye and make me smile :)
You should keep on drawing and have lots of fun!
Many hugs :)
Your drawings are bursting with the joys of life - and your workplace rocks!
you should let this make into a fabric and make your bags!!!!!
1000% handmade!
I love your bright colors .. they are a reflection of you beautiful bright personality!
Maybe it would help to think of it as doodling.. I love doodling! Check out this website.. it's a lot of fun!
Keep up the great work!!!!
...a natural talent, and so whimsical! I love them!
Your bright drawing makes me think that you are a powerful artist. Your color and design are expressed by your deep passion.
Enjoy your weekend!
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