This is Friko, I mean, this is her blog, Friko's World, but it is also she, Friko is her blogger name.
Her blog is a marvel and a treasure, one of the most interesting and versatile blogs I have on my list. Friko is a German woman, living for decades in Britain. Now she resides at Valleys End in the most beautiful Shropshire county near the border to Wales, an area with hills and valleys and woodland, farms and fields, and marvelous wild life, the Shropshire hills. The view from the windows of her home passes over her magnificent garden to the picturesque ruins of a castle.

She has a Beloved in her life, no, not Toni Morrison's ghostly one, it is how she calls her husband, Beloved.
Friko is a woman of many interests with a vivid personality. Her garden is a cultivated, noteworthy, ornamental refuge, a piece of art, which she manages to keep beautiful with the help of Mister Gardener. Her knowledge of all her plants, flowers, shrubs and trees is very fundamental, her love for them deep.

Her taste of the literary and performing arts is highly developed. She is a big fan of poetry, concerts and theater. Shakespeare might be her favorite playwright.
Dogs are a cherished part of her and her husbands life, and currently it is Millie, the black "labradollie" which brings them joy and the needed exercise. I am sure she will agree with Kundera who said: "Dogs are our link to paradise, they don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring, it was peace."

One of her favorite pastimes is writing. I very much admire her stylish, superb and perfect English. To say with Colonel Pickering: "Henry, Jawohl! Her English is too good! Which clearly indicates that she is foreign..."
She tells many stories about herself, they are fun to read and give a true glimpse into a life full of riches and sorrows, happiness and disappointment, and of satisfying getting along. Her blog includes stories of childhood in Germany, of adolescence after the war in Britain, of her adult and current life. Friko is full of humor, sarcastic at times, critical too, honest to the bone, not deprived of emotion, never boring.
She, (like myself), stays away from essays and opinions on politics and religion.
Reading books is a big part of her personality, "Books, I’ve loved them all my life", she says.
This is one of her blog posts about books, she has many more.
If you are interested in a very intellectual blog of good writing, wonderful photos, true stories, and of telling about life, gardening, human behavior of all sorts, of kindness and unkindness and in between, of the arts, of culture, nature, dogs and much more, you will be rewarded by having a look into Friko's World.
Blimey, Yael, are you sure?
I didn’t know the half of that. I just scribble as it comes.
You might be taking the mickey, but if you are not, then thank you very much.
Thanks Yael for putting on to Friko.
Such a nice blog review and good blog tip, Yael, it sounds and looks like a great blog, lovely photos :)
After looking up what "taking the mickey" means, I can assure you dear Friko, that I am absolutely serious!
Sounds like a woman I'd love to meet!
I've favorited Friko's World, and look forward to reading her.
Hello, Yael! Friko is one of my important blog friends, too. I’m intrigued to her lovely garden and surroundings and enjoy her humors and honest feelings. You are such a nice person who can introduce your friend in such a lovely way. Because of my family matters, I've been very slow in visiting my Friends. I take this post as a nice reminder. I'll visit her soon. Have happy days ahead.
What a highly interesting woman! I love the way you introduced her, Yael!
♡ Gostei das dicas, vou visitar sua amiga, eu também gosto de plantas, jardins e poesia.
♡ Feliz Páscoa!!!
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful place! I will certainly have to check this out. Thanks so much and have a wonderful holiday weekend.
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