Sunday, May 16, 2010


Arum is a genus of about 25 species of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, with the highest species diversity in the Mediterranean region.
They are rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial plants growing to 20-60 cm tall, with sagittate (arrowhead-shaped) leaves 10-55 cm long. The flowers are produced in a spadix, surrounded by a 10-40 cm long, coloured spathe, which may be white, yellow, brown or purple; some species are scented, others not. The fruit is a cluster of bright orange or red berries.
All parts of the plants are poisonous, containing significant amounts of calcium oxalate.  Wikipedia

I love all the members of the Arum family, some of them have a very unpleasant odor - aka - stink terribly, but they are all very beautiful!
Photographs as always by my husband Uri.


Dawn of LaTouchables said...

Tell Uri he deserves the National Geographic Photography Award for Excellence, in the discipline of flaura and fauna! These are stunning photos of a mysterious and beautiful plant!

Yael said...

Dawn, you and Jill are such reliable commentators, oh, and Vered of course! How lonely my posts would look without you!!
Thank you, Dankeschoen, Toda raba!!!
:-) Yael.

Jill said...

True, Dawn and I are regular commentators, but you'd be surprised how many people read blogs religiously but never leave a comment.

So, since this post is so impressive from a flower perspective and from a camera perspective, my comment for this one is: Yowza. That's pretty much all I have to say. Just yowza. I think I would have guessed that this one is poisonous. Without speaking a word, it clearly broadcasts: "Keep OUT!"