I started blogging two years ago, my first post appeared on the 15th of February 2010. And I can almost not believe that one short of one hundred people checked in, liked what they found, and pressed the "Follower" button. About fifteen of them leave me lovely comments on a regular basis about almost each post I write. I made some wonderful blogger friends all over the world, Italy, Norway, Belgium, England (hi Bob), South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, France, Florida, California, Germany (hallo Irmi) etc. and at least four of them became very good friends for real. One of them I already met in person, which was absolutely wonderful. I send hugs and kisses to North and South Germany, to Norway and to New York several times a week in my thoughts or in an e-mail.
Why did I start blogging? Actually my friend Rosie, who lives some streets away from me was nagging me for some time: "Why don't you start a blog, you have to start blogging, it suits you", because she liked the stories I told her about our outings and hikes, and she loved my husbands beautiful photos. So one day I said yes - and she helped me to start. Thank you Rosie, you did know something, that I had not realized, that I would LOVE blogging!
So what is it about? English is not my mother language, so blogging is a very good exercise and practice. I love my country, the land of Israel, and my husband taught me many of its wonders and properties - nature, history, antique places and archeological excavations. I cherish my visits to the markets, shuks and little shops, and adore the people of many different origins who live around me. We are out and around a lot, from the desert in the South, till to the Golan Heights in the North, from the sea to the hills, and I like to tell about it. I love Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Haifa too, a day spent in those cities always makes me happy. I write about our animals, the dog, three cats. I write about family, about my grandchildren. I give even a recipe here and there. Yes, why not? I always like to try out recipes I find in other blogs!
My blog is free of discussions of politic and religion. I respect and sometimes admire other peoples opinions, but I don't make them necessarily my own. I choose my words carefully and write with kindness and good manners. I try to be not too private and I think about what will be of common interest. I love to show my husbands wildflower and other photographs, and to comment them. And I am glad to leave a little legacy. I hope, once when I am gone, my grandchildren will still look into this blog sometimes and remember their grandmother, discover unknown things and learn about many subjects. My blog is not fancy, it is simple and down to life. I am not a complicated and philosophical person and also not very spiritual, I see things mostly as they are, and that is the way I write about them. I am very much influenced and blessed by nature, a day or two out under the sky can be quite healing for me. I am thankful for many good things in my life.
I found some wonderful blogs I love, and I leave comments, because I like what I read. I enjoy all the comments I get (except those who are commercial or those who demand I comment and follow back - I want this to be my own decision). I am, like everyone else, fond of good feedback and a clap on the shoulder. I have friends who don't comment on my blog, but call me or write me an e-mail when they loved some special post. I thank all of you for liking my blog! :-)
And thank you Rosie for being persistent till I did what you wanted me to do - blogging!
And I thank my husband, because, as I have already said a few times, without his wonderful photos my blog would certainly not be the same!