The days are still hot and humid here in Israel and summer glides into autumn softly, there are no dramatic changes. But there are early signs and we are always awaiting them eagerly! The nights might be a little bit cooler and one may reach for the light blanket in the hours towards morning. Now we have breezes in the afternoon and they are gentle and welcomed and it is possible to enjoy relaxing evenings in the garden. And there are the flowers of fall.
The last days of August present us with the Chazavim, the Sea Squill, which in spite of its English and German name (Meerzwiebel) actually blooms not only near the shores, but everywhere, even at the Golan Heights, the Galilee and in the Negev desert. Their appearance is a sure sign that summer ends and fall arrives.
The last days of August present us with the Chazavim, the Sea Squill, which in spite of its English and German name (Meerzwiebel) actually blooms not only near the shores, but everywhere, even at the Golan Heights, the Galilee and in the Negev desert. Their appearance is a sure sign that summer ends and fall arrives.
They shoot out in myriads off the dry scorched earth, high erected, only one stem each, with no leaves at all. The leaves arrive much later, in winter, after the bloom is finished, big dark green clusters of fleshy leaves. The white little star-like flowers on the stems are plenty, delicate, tranquil and very beautiful!
In Israel the sea squill (Hebrew: חצב) has gained an almost iconic status, and is popularly known as the "harbinger of autumn", due to the fact that the flowers pop out all over the country at the end of the dry summer, some time before the first rain.
A further sign of summer ending are the more powerful sunrises! This is because very often now clouds are present at the early morning sky and when the sun rises the horizon explodes into a spectacle of colors and forms, like fire lit by a mighty power! This photo was taken just out of our living room window.
The pomegranates belong to fall. They ripen now and will be ready to pick at Rosh HaShana, the Hebrew New Year.
There are various kinds, from sweet to sourish and from bright red to almost purple, like this very beautiful one with the lovely crown, from my friend's garden. (Thank you for the photo Aiva!)
Pomegrantes are one of the seven species which according to the Bible the Land of Israel is blessed with.
I must mention again the magnificent Sea Daffodils, Chavazalot HaChof. They started to bloom at the beaches just a little while ago, a sure omen for beginning fall.
See the post about a "Walk into the Sunset", some days back, with more photos, and information about them.
The harvesting of the olives has begun and the fruits on the date palms turn from yellow to brown...
Oh, and here are the storks, who are flying now in very big flocks over Israel on their migrating way to Africa. Every time I see them my heart jumps with joy, and I am reassured to greet them again in spring when they journey back to their nesting places in Europe!!
They and the Chazavim are for me the most beloved messengers of autumn here in Israel !!
And as always the credit for the wonderful photos goes to my husband Uri!
And as always the credit for the wonderful photos goes to my husband Uri!